Sending birthday greetings with e-cards

When looking for a funny birthday card to send birthday greetings the first place one will look is in the local stores, however as some people probaly found out by now, this is not always an easy thing to do, all of those cards are mostly the same with a small difference all mass produced to be cheaper without any inspiration,

Fortunately something you can always consider these days are the use of the electronic version, these  where  created using digital media instead of paper or other materials and are generally consider to be a more environmentally friendly approach to sending a birthdaycard (however be warned that they might intercept your birthday card mail) so make sure it is a birthday card that your sending.

they do have several advantages compared to the paper version some of wich does make it worth to consider:

-First advantage obviously is the fact that like I stated above, its more environmental friendly, it doesn’t require paper, ofcourse one can complain that they do require electricity and you do require a Harddrivewich isn’t exactly Environmental friendly but hey nothing is perfect.

-The second advantage Is storage, a single harddrive can store several thousand of e-birthday cards  especially useful for the collectors out there.

-The third advantage of a e-card is the fact that you can send the same funny birthday card to several different people at the same time or on different occasions, it is also possible to extensively personalize a card for the intended receiver(s)

-A last advantage ofcourse is that  it is also possible to just print out a birthday card whenever you need one, this allows you to essentially pick from a few thousand stored on a single harddisk and just pick whichever funny birthday card you prefer.

The easiest way to find some examples of those cards is just searching funny birthday cards in google or any other search engine

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